Month: September 2016

Vote NO on Amendment 2 – Against the children, for the $tripper$

Georgians have four proposed Constitutional amendment questions on their November ballots this November. I’ve already belabored the point of voting NO on Amendment 3 regarding the dissolution of the Judicial Qualifications Commission, but there is another of equal importance: Amendment 2 for the Safe Harbor Act. What it will do: The Amendment will allow the state

Isakson Honors Rep. Westmoreland in Floor Speech

Sen. Johnny Isakson honored Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R, GA-3) from the Senate Floor on Thursday. Isakson recognized Westmoreland’s many years of leadership in the U.S. House, while also noting some of his professional accomplishments prior to joining Congress. Sen. Isakson also took a few moments to share a little about Westmoreland’s family, including his 47 years of

Trump Leads Clinton by Six in Likely Voters Poll

Fifty percent of likely Georgia voters support Donald Trump while 44% support Hillary according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll of four swing states. As you might imagine, there are “huge” gender and racial gaps between the two candidates. Trump’s performance here in Georgia mirrors the broader national trends of the past few days with

Tom Graves Introduces Legislation to Reform Congress’s Budgeting Process

We’ve covered in some detail Senator David Perdue’s year-long effort to change the way Congress develops its annual budget, and appropriates funds for each fiscal year. One result of this effort was the introduction of the Accurate Accounting Act in the Senate earlier this year. On Thursday, 14th District Rep. Tom Graves introduced a matching

Gov. Deal Appoints Review Commission: Mayor Indicted on Child Molestation

Governor Nathan Deal has issued an executive order appointing a review commission to investigate a recent indictment made against the City of Dawson Mayor Christopher Wright. The 26 year-old mayor was indicted on 5 counts: aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, child molestation, rape, and statutory rape on June 7th, 2016. The indictments followed an investigation

Morning Reads for Friday, September 23, 2016

Marvy. Just marvy. Now Georgia has scary clowns jumping out from the bushes. SunTrust Park. The gift that keeps on giving. Atlanta is a “Resilient City.” Or something. Gearing up for a new fight. Ironic. Brookwood Band director headed to London for the second time. Prayers for Charlotte. Ironic. BTW, these two nice, Lutheran pacifists

State Board of Education Supports Fixing Failing Schools

To the question “Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow the state to intervene in chronically failing public schools in order to improve student performance?” Georgia’s State Board of Education unanimously says “yes.” Apparently they understand that if it’s broke, you’re supposed to fix it. From the release:  “The State Board of Education is