Category: Presidential Politics

Poll: Trump ahead considerably in Georgia, less with Gingrich

Following an earlier poll conducted by Landmark/Rosetta showing Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in a dead heat in Georgia, a left leaning organization has released a poll indicating Donald Trump has a 7-point lead over Hillary Clinton in the Peach State. The current presumptive Republican nominee pulls in 45% while Hillary is showing just 38% in a

On Renegades and Outsiders

On Monday, Bill Kristol announced The Renegade Party as an alternative for those on the #NeverTrump / #NeverHillary bandwagon who want to find an alternative candidate for president. (Perhaps Kristol got the name for his new project from this). As with virtually everything these days, there’s a matching Twitter account, which boasts over 3,000 followers

Speaker Ryan Praises Loudermilk, Provides Path To Work With Trump

Yesterday while on a trip to Washington I was able to attend a meeting with Paul Ryan, my Congressman Barry Loudermilk, and a group of Loudermilk’s supporters. Speaker Ryan praised Loudermilk as a “do-er”, and noted that he was one of the top freshmen in this Congressional Class, by passing three bills. Loudermilk noted that

Emory University Committee Says Pro Trump Chalkings Are Permissible Free Speech.

If you are sensitive to microagressions, now is the time to get in your safe space. The Emory University Senate Standing Committee for Open Expression issued a 12 page report covering the incidents of students writing their support for Donald Trump in chalk around campus. The committee decided to investigate the chalkings, along with similar