Author: Charlie

Representative Calvin Smyre, Dean of Georgia House, To Give Farewell Remarks This Morning

There will be a lot of institutional knowledge leaving the capitol this evening when the gavels bang Sine Die. None of them have served longer than Representative Calvin Smyre of Columbus. First elected in 1974, he’s served as a member of the majority and minority parties. He’s humble, but wields quiet power when needed and

It’s the Republican fight over…everything. 

This week’s Courier Herald column: At least we’re fighting.  It’s all we seem to know how to do these days. The fights of each party take on different tones and use different weapons.  Today’s focus is the fighting nature of Georgia “conservatives”.  Air quotes are used because the word seems to have as many meanings

Demand For Rental Homes Clashes With Those Who Want To Restrict Supply

This week’s Courier Herald column: Like many components of household budgets, rents have been increasing.  They’re now increasing at increasing rates.  Data provided by real estate consulting firm CoreLogic this week revealed that year over year rents for single family homes are showing double digit increases, with demand especially strong across the sun belt.  Nationally,