Tag: Geoff Duncan

A Questionable Poll With All Dems Up in Georgia

Democrats almost assuredly like the results from the latest Gravis Marketing poll. Trump disapproval 49%, only 46% approve! Generic Dem congressional candidate up by four points! Abrams over Kemp by two points! Sarah Riggs Amico(!) over Goff [sic] Duncan by two points! Barrow over Raffensberger by four(!) points! Same-sex marriage supporters outnumber opponents by three percent!  But

Rural Georgia Fares Poorly in the 2017 Distressed Communities Index

This morning, the Economic Innovation Group released its second Distressed Communities Index. Distressed areas are characterized by a variety of factors, including high levels of poverty and joblessness, low levels of educational attainment, and little-to-no economic growth. The years included in the 2017 index are 2011 to 2015. One thing we can see quite clearly on