Category: Secretary of State

Close Source Says Secretary of State Brian Kemp Is Running For Governor In 2018

It’s been speculated that Secretary of State Brian Kemp will be a GOP contender for Governor in 2018.  Today, the AJC reports that an official with direct knowledge of the matter says that Secretary Kemp will run. Although it’s not “official” yet and has declined to comment on it, Secretary Kemp has been dropping hints

Barry Loudermilk is Seeking Answers About Homeland Security and the Secretary of State Database

As a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Georgia congressman Barry Loudermilk is keeping a watchful eye on the incidents involving the Department of Homeland Security and the Georgia Secretary of State’s database. A data security contractor informed the Secretary of State’s office that the firewall protecting the database had been scanned on November

When Does Legitimate Investigation And Questioning Become A Political Football?

I like Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, and I think he’s right for asking pointed questions to the Department of Homeland Security with regards to recent hacking allegedly done by DHS, but at what point does it become more about taking a last swipe at the outgoing administration for political points more than the

Attempted Breach of SoS Firewall Likely Due to a Computer Misconfiguration

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security believes the attempt to breach the Georgia Secretary of State’s firewall using A DHS IP address was due to a computer in the Department of Customs and Border Security that was improperly configured to query the Secretary of State’s professional licensing database. According

After Attempted Network Breach, SoS Brian Kemp Wants Answers from US Homeland Security

After detecting an attempted breach of the firewall protecting the Georgia Secretary of State’s internal network that came from an Internet address belonging to the US Department of Homeland Security, Secretary of State Brian Kemp today sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson demanding an explanation. The network contains the Peach State’s voter

Voter Fraud … Or Not

There have been lots of worries that this year’s presidential election might be rigged. Donald Trump has raised the specter of voter fraud. One prime suspect: Electronic voting machines that have somehow become programmed to switch a voter’s selection from one candidate to another. But is the threat real? The AJC is reporting that in

Federal judge orders extension of voter registration deadline for Chatham County

Some residents of Chatham County were already evacuating by Thursday, Oct. 6, five days before the deadline to register to vote in the November general election. By Oct. 7, many government offices had closed. That night, many area homes lost power; some homes remained without power for a week. Yes, many evacuees were in places