Author: Mike Hassinger

Cobb, Gwinnett Not Quite Blue Yet…

The second worst part of an election aftermath is listening to the losing side try to delegitimize the winning side. The worst part is watching the winning side act like they won because they were smarter and not just luckier. Everyone would like to believe that voters make informed decisions in a rational manner, but

Speaker Saga Ends?

House Speaker David Ralston has been the subject of a complaint to the State Bar filed more than two years ago. It appears that the wheels of justice have finished grinding with both the Speaker’s lawyers and the State Bar asking to settle. From Aaron Gould Sheinin in the AJC: “Ralston’s attorneys filed paperwork Wednesday

No Easy Choices in Fixing Failing Schools

From Chris Clark, President & CEO of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce The business community understands that education and job creation are the most effective solutions to improve economic mobility and success.  If Georgia can better educate our students, our state will see more jobs created locally and more companies choosing to locate here.  These

A Word On Polling

As we enter into the season where people start arguing about polls being “skewed” and elections being “rigged,” it worth hearing from an actual pollster who’s been doing actual polls for more than a few years. John Garst, the President of Rosetta Stone Communications, posted a note on his Facebook page to explain the challenges