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A proposal for smaller government

Last session the Georgia legislature passed a measure that allows people and corporations to laser-focus their state income tax dollars directly on Georgia’s struggling rural hospitals. Contributions will flow directly to the rural hospital of their choice, skipping the bureaucratic red tape, to maximize the reach of every dollar contributed.

Today Geoff Duncan (HD-26), in an op-ed piece on the Georgia Public Policy Foundation website, suggested this type of creative thinking may actually be an effective model to reduce poverty while at the same time reducing the size and role of government.

Imagine the solutions that might be right around the corner here in Georgia if we embrace churches, charities, corporations and citizens as the solution instead of depending on bigger government. Adoption, foster care, mental health, health care for low-income individuals, homelessness, hunger, autism, child abuse services are just a few green light ideas that are all just one piece of legislation away from being positively affected by the 4 Cs.

Before writing this off to campaign rhetoric, we should note that Representative Duncan has no opposition in next week’s primary or the November general election.

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