Category: False Prophets For Profits

Judging Paul Broun By His Fruits: Part 2

Last week, we started peeling back the layers of the self-propelled myth that Paul Broun is in politics because he is in selfless pursuit of a constitutional nation.  We’re using Matthew 7 to Judge career politician Broun on the fruits his political career has harvested. Thus far, the bushel basket contains the fact that he

Judging Paul Broun By His Fruits: Part 1

Paul Broun announced yesterday that he misses the $174,000 he used to make in a taxpayer funded salary.  After shopping various districts he’s decided to run against Congressman Doug Collins of Gainesville in Georgia’s 9th district.  Broun, a Congressman from Athens in the 10th Congressional district, now claims Clarkesville as home.  But no matter.  He’s

Michael Graham Tries To Follow Debbie Dooley’s Money. Hilarity Ensues

Michael Graham is a Tea Party activist and radio talk show host on Atlanta’s 106.7. He’s on from 9-noon daily. And yesterday was quite the banner day for him. He had noted Tea Party face and friend of Al Gore Debbie Dooley on his show to give her endorsement of Donald Trump. Those of you