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OP-ED from Burt Jones – Vision and Results: Why I’m running for Lieutenant Governor

The following is an op-ed from Burt Jones, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor of Georgia:

John Adams once said, “Always stand on principle – even if you stand alone.” That sentiment has been the foundation for my calling to public service. Being true to who I am – and the people I am honored to serve – will always be my foundation and guiding principle. But unfortunately, for too many politicians in our country, those words ring hollow. They are more concerned about their own self-promotion, ambition, or political self-interests.

That contrast has been on vivid display in Georgia over the past few years. Too many politicians in our state have put their own interests ahead of those who elected them. Politicians who are more concerned with their next TV appearance or book deal and are willing to compromise their values at the drop of a hat to get ahead.

I’m running for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia to restore real, servant leadership to our state. As a proven business leader, consistent conservative, and uncompromising champion for Georgia values, I’m working to put the people of our state back in charge.

Like President Trump, I’m a business leader and political outsider. That’s why back in 2016, I was the first elected official in Georgia to endorse him for President. I admired his experience as a businessman and outsider, his ability to bring new people into the conservative movement, and most of all, his promise to put America first again – and knew he was the right person at the right time for the job. Just last week, I was proud to receive the full endorsement from President Trump in our race.

Like President Trump, I’ve been underestimated and counted out – and I’ve always risen to the occasion. At the University of Georgia, I tried out for the football team. People said I was too small and too slow, but I worked hard, earned a scholarship, and became a four-year letterman elected permanent team captain for the 2002 SEC Championship season. As a businessman, I have helped establish and build many ventures employing hundreds of Georgians.

In 2012, I felt a calling to public service – so I ran for the State Senate to make a difference in my community. Since then, I have used my business experience as an outsider to advance my district’s economic development by attracting new businesses and creating thousands of jobs and opportunities. I know how to get our economy moving, and I understand that, in order for hardworking Georgians to thrive, we have to cut red tape and lower taxes – starting with the state income tax.

I also stand very strongly behind our men and women in law enforcement. As Lieutenant Governor, I will increase funding for our local law enforcement officers, giving them the tools and resources needed to protect Georgia communities and crack down on the sex traffickers, gang members, and repeat offenders that put our families at risk. I will strengthen officers’ retirement benefits so communities are able to grow and retain a stable public safety workforce. I will also work to stop illegal immigration by standing strong to finish the border wall and enforce a legal immigration system that rewards those who follow the rules.

Another major pillar of my plan for Georgia is continuing the fight for election integrity. S.B. 202 went a long way, but the work to restore confidence and security in our elections is far from over. I will call for a full, statewide investigation into the many documented irregularities in the 2020 elections in Georgia to get to the bottom of what happened. I will also ensure the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has the tools required to investigate and respond to future cases of potential voter fraud in real time.

Finally, our education system in Georgia is broken, and I want to fix it. I will work to build a world class K-12 and higher education system in Georgia by investing in teachers and students, prioritizing school choice, increasing access to vocational and technical education, and lowering the cost of post-secondary degrees. Furthermore, Critical Race Theory is a hateful and divisive ideology that has no place in our schools, and I will work to ban its instruction in our children’s classrooms. We must instead emphasize civics-based education centered around unity and an understanding of and respect for our nation’s founding principles.

We have reached an inflection point in American history. With left-wing radicals tearing our country apart, everyday Georgians need – and deserve – someone who will stand up to the liberal mob and fight for a better future for all. I will always stand strong on my conservative principles, and I will never compromise our values or sell you out. For lower taxes, for more jobs, for better education, for safer communities, for more secure elections, and to advance President Trump’s America First Agenda, I am running for Lieutenant Governor, and I hope you’ll join me.

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