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Former Mayors & Local Leaders Release Statements on Evans’ Weak Record

Former Decatur Mayor Elizabeth Wilson, former Lithonia Mayor Marcia Glenn Hunter, and Georgia AFL-CIO  Secretary-Treasurer Yvonne Robinson issued statements of concern in regards to “Stacey Evans’ record on public education, higher education, and race.”

Former Decatur Mayor Elizabeth Wilson:
“Candidate for Governor Stacey Evans pretends to be a champion for people of color, but her votes to undermine public education say otherwise. I fought to desegregate the schools in Decatur, and I have seen first hand how vital access to equal public education is for all communities. Georgia’s next governor must support our public schools, not vote the wrong way and then pander to communities of color for their votes. Former House Democratic Leader Stacey Abrams is the champion we need.”

Yvonne Robinson, Secretary- Treasurer of the Georgia AFL-CIO:
“Stacey Abrams, as a leader in the House, always met bad bills head on and negotiated across the aisle to ensure that working families and all of our communities were protected. When it comes to who we choose as our next Governor, we must have someone who can lead, govern effectively and fight for real policies that will address the needs of working families in Georgia.”

Former Lithonia Mayor Marcia Glenn Hunter:
“Stacey Evans has released an attack ad claiming Abrams’ negotiations ruined higher education for many African American students. Here’s the truth: In its current form, HOPE benefits white, affluent and middle-class students more than African American students or low-income families — and Abrams saved key portions of the scholarship when it was running out of funding, while also advocating for need-based aid. What Georgia needs is a bold and transparent leader who will advocate on behalf of all Georgians — someone like Stacey Abrams.”

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