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Vincent Fort Endorses Stacey Evans

Wait, what? Not sure anyone saw this coming but here we are.

On Tuesday, Former Senator Vincent Fort, noted rabble-rouser and Chief Berniecrat for the City of Atlanta endorsed Stacey Evans. Why, you may wonder, did Fort choose to endorse the white candidate over the black candidate?

Many of the same reasons Fmr. Sen. Emmanuel Jones did, and with the same tone.

Quote Fort:

“The fact of the matter is, voters need to understand how deeply troubling the actions taken by Ms. Abrams are. Stacey Abrams voted yes on legislation that moved the start of the early voting period from 45 days to 21 days, and according to her Republican colleagues in the House, she approved voting maps that are currently being litigated in court for being racially discriminatory. It cannot be understated how damaging these actions are.”

Well we know what the next few weeks of the Evans campaign will look like that’s for certain.


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