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Morning Reads for National Chocolate Covered Anything Day (December 16)

Good morning, and happy National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! Oh, yes, I will absolutely be observing today’s fun holiday, probably with a York Peppermint Patty after lunch. Yum.

It’s also the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, which happened on December 16, 1773. The Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawks dumping the contents of 342 tea chests into the Boston Harbor, and today Americans recall the incident favorably. However, it wasn’t exactly celebrated by the colonists when it happened. Of course I have links for y’all to expand on that and other aspects of the event: 1, 2, and 3! (Like you had to ask…) Also, if you’ve ever wondered about the taste of the teas dumped overboard, you can buy them for yourself from Oliver Pluff & Company over in Charleston.

Now, let’s get on to the news.

Pat Conroy

Alice Walker

Flannery O’Connor

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