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So You Think Aaron Barlow Cared About TSPLOST?

Aaron Barlow, candidate for State Senate in North Fulton and Cherokee Counties, has made most of his campaign feeding off negatives for those that have actively tried to solve Georgia’s and North Metro Atlanta’s congestion problems.  He even had a mailer/flyer that was criticizing Brandon Beach’s sponsorship of TSPLOST on Facebook (despite the fact that Beach wasn’t a Senator when TSPLOST legislation was passed) which has now gone strangely missing.  Barlow had been working hard to demonstrate how much he was against the TSPLOST.

Funny thing about his opposition.  I can’t find any evidence Barlow voted in the July 2012 primary, when T-SPLOST was on the ballot.  Given the problems with both Fulton County and the Secretary of State’s election and voter file management issues, I can’t and won’t say conclusively he didn’t vote.  But y’all should ask him if he did.  Or, was he at his condo in Chicago, not really caring about transportation in Atlanta at the time.

I’m incredibly wary of candidates that can find fault with every solution that is offered, but have no real solutions of their own beyond platitudes. Even empty platitudes have consequences.  My concerns grow stronger when a candidate doesn’t have a record to back up their concern.  On transportation, either the record is missing or Barlow was.

Be wary of candidates who only care after the fact, and only care when motivated by opportunity.

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