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Would You Purchase Telecom Services From This Man?

Kelvin Williams insults Christians
Kelvin Williams insults Christians
Last week, Kelvin Williams, founder and owner of 373K, announced his company would depart from Georgia after the State Senate passed FADA. The announcement was picked up by numerous media outlets and sparked a debate within Georgia over the possible economic impact of Religious Freedom legislation.

It should be noted 373K is a telecommunications vendor for the Democratic Party and Kelvin Williams is an openly gay man. It makes sense for him to be displeased about the passage of the First Amendment Defense Act. Given the circumstances, his departure is anything but surprising.

After conducting a bit of research on Kelvin Williams, it turns out the man is a piece of work. His Google+ and Twitter accounts are laden with posts promoting violence, misogyny, Christian-bashing, and rape. It’s pretty sick, actually. Democrats and Republicans jumping to make Mr. Williams the poster-child for the side effects of religious liberty legislation should think twice before using him. He might represent the potential economic impact of religious liberty, but he also represents violence, bigotry, and the rest of the aforementioned ugliness.

We grabbed these screenshots this afternoon from Williams’s public Twitter and Google Plus feeds, and have linked the screenshots to the original posts. You can click any image to make it larger. If the links don’t work by the time you get to them, you can imagine why.

I’m passed this stage.
Someone was killed on a morning show.
Not happy with the late Chief Justice.
Defaming the Pope.
Echoing his inner pastor.
Shaming Ann Coulter.
Defaming a legislator.
Only fake Christians will be offended.

The company is a Democratic Vendor.
Many are quick to criticize Republicans who make offensive statements in public or on social media. A few years ago a Republican party leader was forced to leave his position after defaming minorities on television. Here in Georgia, an Education Department employee was terminated after making offensive posts on Facebook.

Republicans own up to their bad apples. It would be nice if the Democrats would do the same.

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