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Straight Outta The Carpet Capital

Hey there, GeorgiaPol world. I’m a new intern that you’ll be hearing from, and I couldn’t be more excited to begin working with such a great and talented team.

My name is Nicole Hammett, and I was born and raised in the Dalton area, a city in Northwest Georgia which you may recognize as the “Carpet Capital of the World”. It’s an interesting title, I know.

I’m currently a sophomore at the University of Georgia majoring in journalism and political science. When I’m not studying or running around with my sorority sisters, you’ll probably find me at the nearest Mexican restaurant or nose-deep in a book.

I’ve had a love for writing for as long as I can remember, but my interest in politics began soon after entering my freshman year of college. I never thought of pursuing either as a career until I joined the UGA College Republicans and multiple journalism clubs and societies. Getting more involved in what I was interested in opened my eyes to the many possibilities and experiences that can come from writing and being engaged in politics.

So, I’ve jumped into a future career choice that I legitimately enjoy. I’ll be interning this summer at the Dalton office of Congressman Tom Graves, in my own 14th district of Georgia. In spring of 2017, I’m extremely excited to be studying and interning in Washington, D.C. Right now, however, I’m honored to be able to join and engage with the great crowd of readers, writers, and editors on this site.

It’s a privilege to be given the opportunity to join this team. I can’t wait to begin writing on the topics that I’m truly interested in and eager to learn more about: those which affect all Georgians, and especially those that concern my local Northwest Georgia area—the good ol’ Carpet Capital.

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