Tag: runoff

Charles Walker: Black Democrats Should No-Show for Barrow?

I’m an Augustan by birth, and no matter where in the state, country, or world I may live, Augusta politics has always held a special place in my heart. That’s saying something, because at times, Augusta politicians can be horribly frustrating and demoralizing. We’re responsible for both Linda Schrenko and Charles Walker, for example. We’ll

A Runoff for You! And a Runoff for You! Everyone Gets a Runoff!

I was reading the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last Wednesday night when I came upon the realization that there will be two different runoff elections within the next two months. More accurately, I was reading Jim Galloway’s “Ahead of Georgia’s Sixth District contest, a May 16 test vote,” which alerted me to the fact this was happening. Having spent