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Geoff Duncan Releases Rural Health Care Plan Without Medicaid Expansion

Today, Geoff Duncan, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor of Georgia, released his rural health care plan. Duncan’s plan rejects Medicaid expansion as a “political solution that promises free health care in exchange for votes.”

Duncan states that “we have to get away from judging success by the size of the federal program. We should judge success by how successful we are.  In this case, better health outcomes come from local solutions.  Medicaid does not deliver the best health care.  Its appeal to the Left is that it delivers more power to government and more control over people’s lives.”

Duncan further stated that “when Congress founded Medicaid, it was a program to help poor women and their children and the disabled. But Medicaid’s huge expansion is now contributing to the national debt and straining Georgia’s budget. It has more waste, fraud and abuse than any health insurance program in the country.”

Duncan’s plan outlines four models:




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