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GA Senate Announces New Committee Chairs And Assignments

From a press release:

Atlanta, GA, January 5, 2018 – Today, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and the Senate Committee on Assignments announced new appointments and standing committee chairs to begin the second session of the 154th Georgia General Assembly.

“Georgians should have great confidence that these senators will utilize their leadership roles to positively shape public policy and advance our entire state forward,” said Lt. Governor Casey Cagle. “I am confident our new chairs and members will bring insight to matters that come before their committees, building on Georgia’s status as the number one state for business and enhancing our unrivaled quality of life.”

The following members were named to chair standing committees:

Sen. John Albers (R-56) will serve as chair of the Senate Public Safety Committee.
Sen. Matt Brass (R-28) will serve as chair of the Senate Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee.
Sen. Frank Ginn (R-47) will serve as chair of the Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee.
Sen. Tyler Harper (R-7) will serve as chair of the Senate Natural Resources and the Environment Committee.
Sen. Greg Kirk (R-13) will serve as chair of the Senate State and Local Governmental Operations Committee.
Sen. Ben Watson (R-1) will serve as chair of the Senate Veterans, Military, and Homeland Security Committee.

The Senate Committee on Assignments has also announced committee assignments for members of the 154th Georgia General Assembly:

Senator David Lucas (D-26) will serve as a member of the Appropriations Committee.
Senator Michael ‘Doc’ Rhett (D-33) will serve as a member of the Judiciary Committee.
Senator Jennifer Jordan (D-6) will serve as a member of the Banking and Financial Institutions Committee; Government Oversight Committee; Science and Technology Committee; Special Judiciary Committee; Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee, and the Interstate Cooperation Committee.
Senator Nikema Williams (D-39) will serve as a member of the Economic Development Committee; Retirement Committee; State and Local Governmental Operations Committee; the Special Judiciary Committee, Urban Affairs, and MARTOC.

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