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Senator Perdue visits Union County

Thursday more than 200 business and civic leaders crowded into the conference center at the North Georgia Technical College Blairsville Campus to hear Senator David Perdue  speak as part of the Blairsville Union County Chamber of Commerce annual Power Lunch Series. Jimmy C Tallent, Chairman & CEO of United Community Bank Inc. introduced the junior Senator from Georgia highlighting his extensive business experience and successful “outsider” 2014 run to replace the retiring Senator Saxby Chambliss.

Senator Perdue presented a stark but what many believe is a correct assessment of the current state of affairs in Washington while touching on a range of topics including immigration, tax reform and the continuing war in Afghanistan. He saved his harshest language for the national debt crisis and quoted Secretary of Defense James Mattis citing the debt as “the biggest threat to our national security”. However before finishing the Senator did outline the broad brush strokes of a solution along with a timeline.

Ever the optimistic business person, the Senator highlighted pro-growth policies, fewer regulations and fiscal discipline as the formula for success in overcoming the crisis.

“In order for Georgia to continue benefiting from pro-growth policies, Washington must work at a business-pace. President Trump has approached his new role with a business-like mindset and the results so far are nothing short of encouraging. While there is still a lot to do, I’m committed to advancing our Georgia priorities and getting government out of the way so we can unleash our full economic potential.”

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