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Handel Campaign Responds to New Ossoff #GA6 Ad

Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff released a new ad yesterday entitled “Wasting.” Ossoff states that he does not have time in the 30-second ad to list out all the areas that both parties are wasting money and instead directs them to his website to view his list that could save $16 billion. He does quickly highlight three areas in the ad: Eliminating Medicare fraud, consolidating federal data centers, and redoing the government’s mobile device contracts.

The Handel campaign issued a response to one idea from Ossoff’s website of expanding joint basing at the Department of Defense. The response can be seen after the break.

Jon Ossoff just released a new campaign ad highlighting his plan to “cut government waste”…

After looking through the list of cuts, dangerous liberal Jon Ossoff is including expanding “joint basing at the Department of Defense” in his plan

  •  In Jon Ossoff’s “Plan” To Cut Government Waste He Says He Wants To Expand “Joint Basing” At The Department of Defense. “If elected, one of my first actions in Congress will be to recommend the savings below…Expand joint basing at Department of Defense and save $2.3 billion.” (Jon Ossoff Website)
  • Joint Basing Was A Recommendation Of The Base Closure and Realignment Commission In An Effort To Close Military Bases. “Established by a recommendation of the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission, twelve installations met full operational capability (FOC) as part of the Department’s overall joint basing program.” (US Secretary of Defense Website)  ​

In a 2016 study by the Georgia House of Representatives they outlined​ the risk of losing military installations for Georgia and said it would have an “alarming” economic impact of $20 billion a year.

Dangerous liberal Jon Ossoff’s plan to cut wasteful spending would not only have a negative economic impact, but could cost Georgia 26,000 jobs!

Sorry Jon, but in Georgia’s 6th District, jobs are not “wasteful.”

When reporting on Dangerous Liberal Jon Ossoff’s plan to close Georgia military bases, destroying thousands of jobs, please consider using the following quote from the Handel campaign:

“This ‘wasteful’ spending that dangerous liberal Jon Ossoff is so quick to eliminate could mean the loss of 26,000 Georgia jobs and weaker national security at home and abroad. That’s a plan Georgia families just can’t afford.” – Handel Campaign Spokeswoman Kate Constantini

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