Speaker Saga Ends?

House Speaker David Ralston has been the subject of a complaint to the State Bar filed more than two years ago. It appears that the wheels of justice have finished grinding with both the Speaker’s lawyers and the State Bar asking to settle. From Aaron Gould Sheinin in the AJC:

Ralston’s attorneys filed paperwork Wednesday to accept a minor reprimand along with an admission that he inadvertently violated two State Bar rules.

The Bar, meanwhile, also filed paperwork today with the clerk of the Georgia Supreme Court to drop more serious charges that Ralston misused client funds and intermingled clients’ money with his own.”

Ralston had been accused of violating nine state bar rules, mostly allowing his responsibilities as a legislator to get in the way of providing adequate representation to his client. But with the Special Master in the case also agreeing to the settlement, acceptance from the Supreme Court of Georgia as the last step needed to close the chapter of this particular book.

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