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Deal Announces Teacher Advisory Committee

Going into the 2016 legislative session last winter, there was an expectation that education reform, including a revision of the QBE formula and possibly adding merit pay for teachers, would be Governor Deal’s top priority. He had convened an education reform commission to study the issue and make recommendations, which they did. Yet, in his State of the State addrewss, the governor announced he would put off reform for another year, and create a committee of educators to review the commixsion’s recommendations.

Today, Governor Deal announced who he appointed to that committee. In a press release, the governor said,

Georgia’s teachers educate, train, mentor and encourage our children each and every day, and they are dedicated to providing a quality education and shaping the minds of Georgia’s future leaders. I have tasked the Teacher Advisory Committee with reviewing these recommendations and providing input and feedback. Their experience in the classroom will help guide our efforts as we seek to improve educational outcomes for students, retain the best and brightest teachers and address critical needs in Georgia’s K-12 system. I look forward to meeting with them to discuss how we can continue to improve outcomes for Georgia’s educators.

The committee is expected to meet over the summer. You can find a list of its members here.

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