May 9, 2016 6:00 AM
Morning Reads — May 9th
Happy Monday, everyone. Because of his unfortunate remarks to Greg Bluestein of the AJC, our regular Monday Morning Reads contributor Will Kremer has been sent to re-education camp for a few weeks. Sad!
As a result, I’m doing the Monday Reads until he learns his lesson.
- Needing a win to stay alive, the Hawks end their season losing by a single point. #TrueToAtlanta.
- Ever a Prophetess for Profit, Sarah Palin tries to turn Paul Ryan into the next Eric Cantor.
- Vote to remove McDonalds, doctor’s group asks Grady Hospital Board of Directors.
- Everyone thinking it’s good Trump leads Clinton by 1, remember in May 2012, Romney led Obama by 11 points.
- Remember the ant sculpture at the baggage claim area in the Hartsfield Jackson Airport? It’s been put in storage.
- Trump says he might block Paul Ryan from running the GOP National Convention, setting up a potential dumpster fire.
- Reports on CJ Pearson‘s latest publicity stunt say he’s accused of cyberbullying and maybe bribery.
- University of Georgia Associate VP for Student Affairs resigns after receiving a sexual harassment complaint.
- Morning in America is recognized as the single ad that won Reagan a second term. Here’s how it came about.
- Politicians and food and photo ops. Why do they always go wrong?
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I was fine when they took my hospital McDonald’s, but mess with Chick-Fil-A and we’re gonna have problems.
McDonalds at Grady does not make folks fat. They are already fat and/or obese when they enter the hospital.
That’s the staff.
That McDonald’s was gross anyways. Any time I was in there, they never had any carbonated beverages. They took out 2-3 registers and served lines that went outside with only registers, and no carbonated drinks! Any simple correction to an order required a manager to decide if my fries were infact missing.
I won’t miss it.
At the risk of sounding obtuse, that ant intallation never made any sense to me as art.
Just for the record, there’s also a McDonald’s in Northside Hospital (Pill Hill campus).
The quotes in that ajc article are enlightening. Apparently, Trump supporters feel that the solution to a divided and therefore gridlocked Congress is to be even more divisive.
Doubling down is always the correct solution.
A new sports center for the Atlanta Area
Donald Trump just took a torch to Republican Economic orthodoxy
He said “You never have to default because you print the money”
Sort of flies in the face of the know nothing Tea Party dont you think?
But you do have to service the additional debt. Certainly not the optimum position even if you have the printing press.
He has that figures out too based on his interview with CNN from Friday… just redo the deal… offer less cash on the dollar. He does it with his loans all the time. The saving would be huge! If it works for other countries… like Greece, why not us (sarc).
Just a matter of time.
So, who wants to send their five year old daughter/niece/wife/grandmaw into a restroom/locker room that allows random non-transgender men to wander in? How bout you, Bryan Adams? Springsteen? Anyone?