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Common Sense on Campus

Over the last few weeks the press, political commentators and comedians have had a field day with the fragile college students frightened and offended by some sidewalk chalk support for Donald Trump. Just when we thought Emory University was an enclave of marginalized, frightened and offended students along comes a ray of sunshine in for form of Tyler Zelinger, a junior at Emory, and his commentary at

I would like to start this discussion by making two statements. First, I am unequivocally opposed to a Donald Trump presidency, as I believe there are few things that could possibly be more detrimental to American society than electing such an intolerant demagogue into our nation’s highest office. Second, one of those few things more dangerous than a Trump presidency is the institutional stifling of free speech.

The entire article is worth a read but it did, at least for me, raise another question that I would love someone like Tyler Zelinger to explain. How can any student attending a top 25 university like Emory and receiving an education valued at almost $60K per year be marginalized ?

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