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Federal Review: Homeland Security Did Not Hack Georgia’s Election System

In a letter from the Department of Homeland Security general inspector, DHS did not attempt to hack Georgia’s election systems. Investigators with the inspector general’s Digital Forensics and Analysis United reviewed the federal agency’s data as it related to the November 2016 allegation by Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

The inspector general wrote in his letter, “Based on this work, we did not substantiate the allegations that DHS attempted to scan or infiltrate the Georgia computer networks. Rather, the evidence demonstrated normal and appropriate use of Georgia’s public website.”

Immediately after Kemp made his allegation he urged people to sign a petition to stop the DHS from hacking of the state’s election system. The petition linked to Kemp’s campaign website. Kemp had television crews and reports on hand to discuss his allegation before DHS had responded.

Members of the House Science and Technology Committee blasted the Secretary of State for “politicizing” the allegation by using buzz words such as “stand with me” and “the Left.”

The Georgia House of Representatives Science and Technology committee held a hearing on the allegation. You can watch the video here.

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