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This “News” Report is Bananas

I like to think of myself as a critical thinker with reasonable intelligence and a decent vocabulary, but lately, the best adjectives I can conjure to describe many recent events that range from fake news to allegations of sullied mattresses at the Moscow Ritz are “bonkers,” and “bananas.” The months following November’s presidential election have been a litany of the bizarre, and every time I think things can’t get weirder than a reality television star serving as the leader of our glorious nation, I’m proven wrong.

To wit, earlier this week over at CBS46 (WGCL) in Atlanta, evening anchor Ben Swann, a former reporter for the state-owned Russia Today and a Sandy Hook truther, decided that the Pizzagate story, which was born of fake news and has been debunked by media outlets ranging from the New York Times to Fox News – and which reached a potentially tragic climax when a North Carolina man traveled who to Washington, D.C. to investigate matters on his own fired a round from his AR-15 in the pizzeria – merited a month of his own independent investigative journalism.

AJC media reporter Rodney Ho was the first to report on the bizarre segment. Ho’s colleague Greg Bluestein called the report “six minutes of strangeness.”

Swann says his Pizzagate report is “a reality check you won’t see anywhere else.” You know why you won’t see it anywhere else – including WGCL’s website, where the story has been removed from the “Reality Check” page? Because it’s…

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