Morning Reads for Inauguration Day (January 20)

Likely half of the folks reading this are either sad or in denial about what will happen today at noon, but I am in a very different camp.

I began the Trump years most accurately described as a #NeverTrump RINO with Wild Cards, but over time, I’ve come to terms with what increasingly seems to be a longterm realignment (sorry, Nathan) that makes me pretty obviously a Democrat of the New Suburbs Variety, even though I live in a tiny city in the middle of our state. I laugh every time I say that out loud, because pre-2015 me could not have ever fathomed this being reality. Yet, here we are.

Today, this girl who worked for the Republican Party in different positions, mostly for House offices and campaigns, for 12 years before “retiring” to do something else is excited to see someone she first met when he was in the U.S. Senate, who she has always known to be empathetic and forward-looking, who she voted for in both the primary and the general, taking the highest office in the land. I pray for success for President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris. There’s a lot of work to do, and I intend to do my part to build us back better.

I’ll have a lot more to say at a later time on this topic, but for now, let’s get onto the news.

Pat Conroy

Alice Walker

Flannery O’Connor


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