Marjorie Greene Moves from GA-6 to GA-14 Race

The following is a combination of two press releases issued via Twitter this morning announcing Marjorie Greene’s moving from the GA-6 race (Rep. Lucy McBath, D) to the GA-14 race (Rep. Tom Graves, R).


After much thought and careful consideration, I’ve decided to end my campaign for Congress in Georgia’ s 6th Congressional District.

I’m forever grateful to my family and friends, contributors, and grassroots volunteers who were energized to get involved by my 100% conservative Republican message. Take one trip around the 6th CD and there’s no doubting our campaign has energized the Republican base.

As a conservative Republican, my number one priority in 2020 is to re-elect President Donald Trump for four more years, take the U.S. House back from Nancy Pelosi, hold the U.S. Senate, and make sure Democrats don’t get anywhere close to taking over the Georgia General Assembly.


After being urged by many conservative supporters, spending the last few days in prayer and discussions with my family and close friends, as well as traveling throughout the district, I’m excited to announce that I’m running to be the next Republican Representative from Georgia’ s 14th Congressional District.

As a Christian conservative wife, mother of three, life-long Georgian, UGA graduate and a successful business owner in the construction industry, I’m 100% committed to helping re-elect President Donald Trump for four more years, taking back the Congress from Nancy Pelosi, holding on to the U.S. Senate, and Keeping America Great.

I’m not a career politician.

I’m a problem solver and political outsider.

With a Congress that is continually failing the people, my sole purpose for running is to be a Representative for the American People.

As the Republican Congresswoman for Georgia’s 14th CD, I will never stop fighting for the district, our state, and our country:

Job, Jobs, Jobs: Help Recruit Businesses and Bring Jobs to the 140, and N\V Georgia

Advocate for Businesses: NEVER Vote for Tax Increases, Always Fight Burdensome Regulations

Defend Our Second Amendment Rights: Fight Against “Red Flag Gun Confiscation”, End Federally-Mandated Gun Free Zones, and Never Vote for Gun Control

Defend Life from Day One: Defund Planned Parenthood and End ALL Taxpayer Funding of Abortion, Pass the Life at Conception Act

Secure the Border: Build the Wall, Fully Fund Our Border Patrol, Defund Sanctuary Cities

Support Our Military and Veterans: Keep Our Military the Strongest in the World and Continuing Reforming the VA to Better Serve Our Veterans

Balance the Budget / Cut Spending: It’s Time to Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment; If My Husband and I Ran Our Business Like Congress Runs Our Country, We Would Be Out of Business and Homeless On The Streets

Reduce Health Care Costs: We Need Price Transparency,Lower Prescription Drugs Costs, Create Market Based Competition to Lower Cost, Stop Socialized Medicine

While my husband, Perry, and I have been raising our family and creating jobs, the career politicians at all levels of government have been continually failing the people of this country.

The stakes are too high in 2020 for me to sit back and watch the pro-Trump conservative 14h CD fall into the hands of a tax-hiking career politician or Never Trump activist who has the interests of the politicians and Big Government lobbyists over the interests of the hard-working people of the district.

I’m fed up with radical Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the Socialist Squad implying that all women share their left-wing agenda that is destructive to our American values and way of life.

We need more women in Congress who will proudly and enthusiastically defend our constitution and our freedoms, and work to ensure our children and grandchildren will be able to pursue their American dream.

As the 14th CD’s Republican Representative, I will fight back with everything I have against the radical left-wing Democrats who want to raise our taxes through the roof, rip our borders wide open, have government takeover healthcare completely, ram the so­ called “Green New Deal” down our throats, confiscate our firearms, and send our country down the road to Venezuelan-style socialist misery.

With over $500,000 on hand and a growing grassroots base of over 1,000 financial contributors, my campaign is ready to go and ready to earn the vote of Republicans across the 14th.

I’m a Georgia girl, born and raised. My husband and I have spent the last two decades building our businesses and creating thousands of jobs in more than eleven states.

We were proud to work on a WinShape construction project at Mt. Berry as well as construction projects from Rome and down into Paulding County through the years.

My campaign slogan is “Save America, Stop Socialism.” I’m not willing to sit on the sidelines and allow hate America leftists to destroy our great country.

We have a plan for victory: we will win by campaigning not to the career politicians, but by speaking and listening to people across the 14th one door, one voter at a time.

Thank you, Marjorie Greene

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