Morning Reads – Wednesday August 22, 2018

Hey. I’m not Ed. Maybe you remember me. Maybe you don’t. Don’t everyone welcome me back all at once.

Around the State this morning:

A lawsuit has been filed alleging a Buford school superintendent made racially charged threats. There appears to be some dispute about whether the recording is real.

Over a dozen stores and homes in central Georgia were searched yesterday for alleged illegal gambling. Arrests are pending. Also pending (but not in the article) is the seizure of every penny associated with the owners.

Meanwhile, 27 people have been killed in Macon this year. Including the second store-clerk in eight days.

U.S. Army Cyber Command reportedly concerned about how quickly social media can be co-opted by an adversary.

Fallout continues for Randolph County election officials who wish to close polling places. Lost somewhere in this story is the cost for a small county of maintaining multiple election places to begin with.

And in case you missed it — Self-defense may not be a valid defense to shooting a naked man.


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