Morning Reads for 8/23

Is this the face of the man who should have final say on the nation’s science policy? 

“I Looked at the Sun” by the Adverts.

  1. Isakson and Perdue: Our never-ending war in Afghanistan is cool. Let’s keep it up.
  2. Beltline-styled projects for: Buford Highway and Airport neighborhood.
  3. Sally Yates noshes with London’s The Financial Times, likely has a great book deal lined up. 
  4. UGA Professor: Confederate Monuments “Severely Tainted” 
  5. Descendants of Confederate Leaders have Extreme Ambivalence on Ancestors’ Legacy 
  6. Science: Georgia State is the second-best football team in the state. 
  7. Georgia State now has a varsity eSports (I don’t know what half the words in this release mean). 

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