Judson Hill Calls Out Bob Gray and Dan Moody in #GA6 Race

From a press release (with some added emphasis) from the Judson Hill campaign entitled “Judson Hill calls on City Councilman Bob Gray to immediately address the late breaking ‘False Prophet’ charge:

Judson Hill has called on City Councilman Bob Gray to immediately address the late breaking ‘False Prophet’ charge and, with certifiable documentation, prove it untrue. View AJC Article here.

“The Republicans cannot afford to lose this seat to the liberal Democrat Ossoff by putting forward a fatally flawed candidate, who now appears to have not only been lying throughout the campaign about not being a politician, but has been lying about his support for Donald Trump in an effort to try and further his political career… like only a hypocritical politician would,” Judson said.

Gray has centered his campaign thus far around being a “willing partner” and loyal supporter of President Trump. However, pictures recently surfaced of an anti-Trump sign in Gray’s yard during the 2016 election. A Facebook post from late February of 2016 has also surfaced in which Gray announces his support for Senator Rubio and denounces Trump’s qualifications, referring to him as the “GOP Obama.

We also cannot resort to sophomoric, insulting ads like those by Dan Moody, in which he hangs a string of pearls around an elephant’s neck insinuating the beast is symbolic of Karen Handel,” Judson said. Judson recalls when Moody’s media consultant hung pearls around a crying baby after Handel’s failed Senate race to insinuate the same.

“Republicans have too much at stake to allow their campaigns to stoop to these sort of lies and attacks, typical of a politician,” Judson said. “We must stay focused on the real task here, which is keeping the 6th District out of the hands of a liberal Democrat and keeping it in the hands of a trusted conservative.”

Dan Moody’s Media Consultant’s Karen Handel In Pearls Ads:

David Perdue Campaign Ad

Dan Moody Campaign Ad


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