Morning Reads for February 24, 2016

Storm clouds on the horizon. Beautiful, fabulous storm clouds.
Storm clouds are forming on the horizon. Beautiful, fabulous storm clouds.

THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS: GSU schedules home-and-homes with UNC and Vanderbilt in 2020/21 and 24/25 respectively. Hype.

“Dreams of Milk & Honey” by Leslie West. 


  1. 2016 Creative Loafing Lust List doesn’t include me or Charlie so it’s safe to say said ranking is discredited. 
  2. Is Michael Thurmond the man to save the Dekalb CEO position from being eliminated? 
  3. Georgia’s own Lance Toland Associates requires all employees to carry. 
  4. Isakson wants legislation for VA staff accountability by mid March. 
  5. He could also be linchpin to getting hold lifted on Obama’s VA inspector general. 
  6. Kris Pilcher wins Atlanta’s Emerging Artist Award.
  7. Why is Ben Carson still running for POTUS?
  8. Our seas are rising faster than at any point in the last 2800 years. 
  9. Thank god Republicans are the only people in the world holding steadfast in the fight against incontrovertible science on climate change, though!

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